Mastering UFW on Ubuntu
A month before, I have purchased a node in Digital Ocean. I have to admit it, they are a very good cloud solution provider. From a tiny startup to a large corporate, they have any type of solution. I have chosen Ubuntu 14.4 to go with the Digital Ocean droplet. Why I chose Ubuntu! Because of the vast amount of packages available for it via Aptitude.
How I wrote 66K lines of JavaScript in 10 days
English dictionary text file
Couple of days before, I was making a search engine for my two projects. One project was using Elasticsearch and another one was using Apache Solr. For them both I needed a file containing all the words from an English dictionary.
Execute commands after you exit from a shell
How to fix media keys on iMac
This is not actually a problem or anything related to programming. But I faced it so badly and decided to post it in my technical blog. I might need it again, and so for the visitors.
ImageMagick to save million dollars
"elseif" or "else if", what to use in PHP
Somedays ago one of my teammate came to me asking what’s the differences between ‘elseif’ and ‘else if’ in PHP. They do the same thing according to his view.
How to use JavaScript Promises
Javascript Promises are cool new feature of Javascript. A promise is a result of an asynchronous operation. It can be one of the three states.
Get 100% height working in CSS
Couple of days earlier one of my colleagues came to me saying that he cannot make the 100% working for an element.
Hombrew libpng and mpfr failed on OSX Yosemite
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